Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome Beau Evan Wood

Beau Evan Wood

Born: 8/30/14, 12:12 PM
7lbs 7 oz
19 3/4" length

We are officially parents! We couldn't be more excited! We love our sweet boy. He surprised us by coming almost 3 weeks early! So here is how it all went down.

Friday night was the first home football game for Hunter. We'd gone to the game like normal, but as the night went on I started not to feel very good. Come to realize later I had been having contractions all night. We went and got something quick for dinner, came home and started to watch a movie. I told Preston that I wasn't feeling very good and that I was really exhausted. So off to bed I went. I woke up around 1 thinking that I was starting to go to the bathroom, when I stood up out of bed more liquid came out when I got to the bathroom I realized my water had just broke. Preston had just finished watching his movie and his first question was, "Are you okay?" I said "my water just broke." For the next 10 minutes or so he kept quizzing me about whether it really broke or not. We ended up at St. Mark's around 1: 30 AM. We got checked in and waited for the arrival of our little one, 11 hours, painful contractions, and an epidural later with just three pushes he was here. We've been home and getting adjusted, but we are all doing great!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's A. . .

It's a boy!! On April 24 we had our appointment where we got to FINALLY find out what we are having. We were so excited to hear that it was a boy. With Mike and Lauryn having a boy in June, we were excited that our little boy will have a boy cousin his age! We got to see lots of different things with the baby. He is growing and is healthy. He was curled up in a little ball so we couldn't get a good look at his face because his arm was in the way. We are so excited and can't wait to meet our little man!

Last Tuesday was Preston's birthday! He is now 26! I love him so much and I'm glad that we got to have a nice evening home for his birthday. I made his favorite dinner, Enchiladas.

On April 30th I officially hit 20 weeks and I'm half way through this pregnancy! Time is flying by and we cannot wait until September! Below is a picture that we took of my little baby bump I've got going now. I have felt Baby Wood kick a lot lately! Preston hasn't been able to feel him yet. Every time you put a hand where he is kicking he stops.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Life is Grand!

Well since I last posted we have had lots of fun and enjoying life!

Over Presidents Day weekend. We went to Disneyland with Preston's family. It was a nice get away out of the cold into 80 degree weather. Sadly, the park was insanely crowded, but we had fun anyway. I did get to go on all of the rides with the approval of my doctor. :) Downside, Splash and Big Thunder were both closed so I didn't get to go on either of them. While we were there to take a break from the crowds, we decided to go to the Utah Men's Basketball game. They were playing at UCLA so we made the hour trip. The lost, but it was still fun. I love Disneyland so much!!

When we got back, we had our next appointment with the doctor. Baby is doing great and is really growing! It no longer looks like a jelly bean. In the Ultrasound you could see the head, body, and a hand. It is completely amazing to me! Plus I am now officially out of the first trimester and didn't throw up once! I am one lucky girl. I can't wait until the next ultrasound to see how big our baby is!

Life is great. We are happy and continuing on. :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Secrets out, looking forward to 2014

Well I haven't done my New Year's post yet looking back on the past year and what I look forward to what the next year had in store for us, better late than never right? 2013 was a good year to us. Preston got a new job, I went to California with the Hunter High cheer team (they took 6th), we bought a house, we ran the Wasatch Back Ragna relay race, I started school at BYUI, both Grandma and Grandpa Wood pasted away, Meranda got home from her mission, and Preston graduated from the U. It was such a great year for us!

So as for this year we already know what is I'm store for us. On January 13 we found out that later this year we are going to be parents! We are so excited and can't wait for our next adventure!!