Thursday, June 30, 2011

Craziness of Life!

So we have now been back from Argentina for almost a month and life has been busy, busy, busy! We both went back to work the next day. Preston is working at West Lake Junior High's summer camp, working security at different events, and coaching football with a new coach. We were told while we were in Argentina the head coach resigned and we now have a new coach at Hunter High. We are looking forward to an awesome season! As for me I am back to work at Meier & Marsh, working in the office for a construction company, and coaching cheer. We are enjoying everything that we are doing.

As for today, we are leaving for California tonight to go on vacation for the weekend to Disneyland! We are so excited!! We get to go have fun with the Woods!

Disneyland here we come! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Goodbye Argentina, we will miss you!

So this is officially our last blog post in Argentina. We cannot believe how fast this vacation went! We have had so much fun down here and we will miss it very much. The people here are so amazing and it was so hard to say goodbye to them. Miguel and Natalia have become like family to us. We will miss them dearly, but know that we will be able to talk to them still. This has been such an amazing experience for me to actually get to see Preston´s mission. I know so much better what it was like for him here and what the people mean to him and what he means to everyone here. We have been so lucky and blessed to come here! We are very thankful for everything that we´ve been given.

We are excited to get back home and get back to doing our regular schedule and of course see our families again. :) We have lots of pictures so that we can look back at our trip. So long for now, we´ll be back home in about 24 hours!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vicente Lopez & Baradero

Yesterday we spent the morning in Vicente Lopez. Preston drove us out there in a stick! He did so good. He drove in the crazy traffic of people, even when he was getting honked at by crazy Argentine drivers! It was so much fun! We walked along the coast line a little bit and had the best restaurant food we´ve had all trip! Preston had a steak and I had pasta. We both had Flan and it was homemade and delicious! The houses there are so amazing as well! It´s where most of the Americans that live down here are. It´s also where the mission home is. It was very nice!

Today our day started bright and early in the morning. We took a train and a bus to Baradero. I finally got to see Preston´s first area. It is out in the middle of nowhere! It was kind of nice though, for a change of pace and feeling. It is a very low key, easy going town. We went to the Family Sosa´s house. They are so nice! There are a ton of kids that live there, but they were such a nice family. After we visited them we went out to eat and got GIANT milanesa sandwiches. I could barely finish half! We then went down to the river for a little bit. We had a dog follow us all the way down there too! We were getting VERY annoyed!! We luckily got him to go away. We had so much fun and are enjoying the last days of our vacation. We´ll be very sad when it´s over, but happy as well that we´ll be able to go back home!