Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend & More

So we spent Memorial Day Weekend up North with my family. We went fishing up at Pineview Reservoir Friday and Saturday. It was so much fun! On Monday we went with Preston's side of the family to visit graves. It was a good experience and I really enjoyed it. When we got done with the graves, we went up North again fishing. (Preston of course is the one who fishes, not me.) While everyone else fishes I get the chance to play with my nieces which I enjoy! Here are some pictures from our weekend.

This past weekend was a big one for us! Friday, I was busy doing our laundry. Not only that, but I had to register my car, go to the store to buy some things, and then we were headed down to Provo to spend the night at some of our friends house.

Saturday Preston ran in the Utah Valley Marathon. He did very well and was able to walk better than he did after the Ogden Marathon. Other than he had to run in a strong head wind it was a beautiful day!
That night I was making two fruit pizzas for Meranda's farewell the next day. I finished the crust and cutting the fruit at midnight. I was then up early to finish the topping and putting the fruit on.

Church started at 9 and it was a great meeting! Our stake Young Mens President spoke about the trek we have coming up in our stake. Next Cindy got the opportunity to speak along with Meranda, which when she was asked to speak she asked "is that legal?" She did a wonderful job! Parker also got in on the program singing with some young men and young women from our ward. Meranda gave an amazing talk! Even though she doesn't leave for another two weeks, she is ready to go. She will be an amazing missionary!